Sunday, October 12, 2008

tractor its good helper in a farms

Tractor is one of common vehicles must have in farms its design slow speed and high power, if no bugget to buy a new one, second hand tractor also is a good choice to get it. Tractor will be use for hauling or agricultural machinery such like plowing, tilling, disking, hole making or other suitable works. There are many brands of tractor can be choose such like Kubota,LG-Fiat, New Holland, Goldstar,mahindra, mitsubishi and more others brand.The several size of tractor is small, medium and big, sizes choosing is depends from what type farms that you have or land conditions.

Most of tractor used disel engines and have have two types 2WD or 4WD. By having the own tractor most of works at farms will be easier to complete it. So if we spent some big amount money to get a good one tractor is not wasting, but it will helping a lot. By get a new brands tractor actually it will cost down the maintenance and no more problem breakdown.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This year is my first time to me involved with agro field. On last july i involved in taiwan hyper sweet corn project. We try to do at hill land, but 100% failed. Until 2 months 90% corn trees still not growth, just 1 to 2 feets only 1% reach 4 feets length. For this project we just using tonmai fertilizer and foliar.

From the post mortem we suspect why this project failed due to:

1. no properly water support
2. soil dont have any organic, not top soil
3. not do soil plowing
4. During heavy raining all fertilizer fall away